
Showing posts from May 6, 2010

Facebook is wearable!!!!!!Holla can u hear me???

If you are a facebook addict who can’t stop updating your status, then here is an outfit for you. “Ping,” a “social-networking garment” by Jennifer Darmour of Electricfoxy , allows you to connect with your virtual audience with a pop of the hood, cinch of the waist tie, or unfastening of a button. Because Ping connects wirelessly to your account wherever you are, you’ll be able to keep your friends in the loop without the need for a phone, laptop, or any kind of hardware. The garment itself is a hoodie wrap with sewn-in electronics that register every move you make . Filling your friends’ walls with messages that indicate you “just lifted your hood” could get annoying quickly..Isn't?? Here the communication is two ways: When your friends ping you back, you’ll feel a soft tapping on your shoulder.