
Showing posts from August 29, 2010


HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): A markup language used to structure text and multimedia documents and to set up hypertext links between documents, used extensively on the World Wide Web. HTML is a markup language that uses a fixed set of markup tags. ·         HTML is a programming language in that an HTML document is a program that, when “run” by a browser, displays its text as Hypermedia. ·         HTML itself is the set of customizable ‘markup” tags that are inserted into HTML document govern its format, multimedia content, and hyperlinks. ·         The HTML is really only a collection of predefined tags which, when inserted into regular text, tell a web browser how to: 1.      Format the document and its text. 2.      Link into other locations, in the same document, in another web page, or even on another server. 3.      Incorporate i.e. insert a graphic image, videos or sound clips into displayed document .         Features of HTML : 1.      An HTML file can be created u


JDBC is a Java API for executing SOL statements. It consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in JAVA programming language. JDBC provides a standard API for tool/database developers and makes it possible to write database applications using a pure JAVA API. Basic JDBC interaction in its simplest form can be broken down into four steps: 1.   Open a connection to the database. 2.   Execute a SQL statement. 3.   Process the results. 4.   Close the connection to the database Using JDBC API, it isn’t necessary to write one program to access a system database, another program to access an Oracle database, another program to access an Informix database and so on. One can write a single program using a JDBC API and the program will be able to send SQL statement to the appropriate database. And with an application returning JAVA programming language, one also doesn’t have to worry about writing different applications to run on different platforms. The combination of JAVA and JD


OVERVIEW The need to plan for and develop safe, secure, and reliable system solutions is heightened by an increasing dependence on technology to provide services, develop products, administer programs, and perform management functions. There is also a need to ensure privacy and security when developing information systems, to establish uniform privacy and protection practices, and to develop acceptable implementation strategies for these practices.           The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology is designed to satisfy these needs by establishing procedures, and practices governing the initiation, definition, design, development, deployment, operation, maintenance, enhancement, and eventual retirement of automated information systems PURPOSE The purpose of a Systems Development Life Cycle methodology is to provide IT Project Managers with the tools to help ensure successful implementation of systems that satisfy Agency strategic and business objectives. The documentat